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At what point did American Amish become noticeably “behind the times” technologically compared to their rural non-Amish neighbors?
What did people in Afghanistan do for fun after the Taliban banned nearly every pastime?
Considering Muhammad had several wives who were well-educated and scholarly, how did sects of Islam become so hostile to educating women?
Before desegregation, did people believe that Heaven was segregated?
Was it actually popularly claimed that the Titanic was unsinkable, or did that part of the story grow in decades after the sinking?
At what point did the accent of American settlers become distinguishable from a British accent?
How did people refer to clockwise and counterclockwise before clocks?
Why is word “Synagogue” in Greek and not in Hebrew?
Did “the 99%” feel Rome declining?
Did the Byzantines ever bring back something “ancient” (battle tactics, weapons, architecture, art, etc.) in the medieval era?
John Wilkes Booth wasn’t from any of the Confederate states. Why was he such a fanatical supporter of the southern cause?
Did the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 have any observable impact on marine wildlife in the Red Sea or Mediterranean?
What happened to Thebes during the Amarna Period; was it completely abandoned?
Why did the Americans romanticise the IRA so much?
Why do most ancient Indian structures have so much nudity despite being so conservative in modern days?
Was Plato aware of Buddha?
The Nazis deliberately allowed diseases to spread amongst concentration camp inmates, did this policy ever backfire and lead to large numbers of sick guards?
Why are homes and buildings in the US made with low quality materials?
How come J. Edgar Hoover went from a legal clerkship to a division head in just two years?
Why did Hitler only get 5 years in prison (9 months served) for trying to overthrow the Government?
Why was pizza the first to jump into the delivery market?
How did the term “goth” go from meaning a Germanic tribe, to a person who wears black and is into the macabre?
What was Pol Pot’s aim?
What caused the deterioration of the rust belt?
Why were curved swords more prevalent in eastern militaries while Europeans preferred straight swords?
When and how did surnames go from unofficial references to occupation, geography, nicknames to official family names?
Before the events of 9/11 occurred, how prominent were the Twin Towers as a cultural symbol?
Why are the Julian calendar months named after Roman gods/emperors but the days of the week are all variants of Norse gods?
What caused the large amount of plane hijackings in the late 60s early 70s?
What did a Roman parking lot look like?
What have freemasons really done and how has it influenced history? And why are there so many conspiracies?
Why the Greek and Roman drawings and paintings of people appear much rudimentary?
What was Adolf Hitler’s supposed “charisma”?
Are there any theories to explain the many old legends and myths of a race of giants?
How would people in antiquity learn foreign languages?
Were there any casualties in WW2 from unexploded WW1 bombs?
How do ruins end up covered?
Why do English speakers call him Jesus instead of Joshua?
Why is “Jesús” a common name in Spanish but not English?
Why do presidents have the power to pardon?
How was the Beta Israel’s reaction to the knowledge that there were other Jewish communities scattered around the world?
How did Monaco survive, while so many other tiny Italian states didn’t?
Why weren’t deaths higher in WWI?
Why was Andorra never permanently incorporated into either France or Spain?
Why did every communist country ban porn?
Why is Patagonia so sparsely populated?
When the Dutch created massive new land like the Flevoland polder, how were plots of land assigned?
What did a Lawyer’s career look like in the Soviet Union?
How were color TVs advertised on black and white sets?
Why didn’t the British elite who lived in India develop their own distinct accent?
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